AI Moderation - Automated Content Moderation with Human-Level Accuracy

We leverage content moderation technology powering the biggest creator:audience monetization platforms in the world.


Audio Moderation

Moderation of spam, hate speech, and other harmful or unsafe audio


Visual Moderation

Moderation of instances of violent, sexual, or hateful visual content


Text Moderation

Moderation of spam, hate speech, and other dangerous or unwanted text.


AI-Generated Content Detection

Machine learning models to detect AI-generated content



All content 'caught' or 'flagged' is on display via dashboard manned by our human moderators. Easy to recognize and remove unwanted content


Human Moderator

Our moderation team manages the dashboard where all flagged content is presented. The moderator reviews flagged content for both system feedback and a decision to keep or remove.

Content Tagging

Solution processes all media types and returns tagged metadata in real-time, including:

24/7 Monitoring

With hundreds of thousands of individual media and textual communications generated and posted the best platform moderation tech is monitoring 24/7.

We continuously 'teach' and help the software 'learn' and improve at identifying and flagging different types of media content through system feedback.

Launch Your Community

Create your community today! With everything from paid to free community subscriptions to all transactions accounted for and downloadable to HD Livestreaming and so much more!

BrandArmy is the all-in-one turnkey platform for free or paid online communities.

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